My name is Kristina, and I’m the heart of Habitual Heart. I am a digital marketer by day and an aspiring homesteader every other minute, combining my life’s digital and analog aspects through my blog and business, Habitual Heart.
I started Habitual Heart in 2020, wanting to share a little about personal finance, from the principles we follow down to the daily habits we attempt to keep. The majority of life consists of habits and routines. To keep them from getting mundane and, honestly, sometimes bleak (looking at you, laundry), I choose to see what value they add to life as I find what works for my family and me. Everything is an attempt to minimize the pain and maximize the good.
A lot has changed since starting Habitual Heart. Our family has grown, we went through a pandemic, we moved across state lines chasing a more affordable life, and in all those changes, my priorities have changed, but habits have held true. Personal finance is more important than ever as we learn there is only so much we have control over. I have found a lot of joy (not so much control) in the garden, the kitchen, and our finances. Habitual Heart is here to share those passions. Habitual Heart strives to bring you content that adds sustainability to your life, home, and budget. Create more, spend less, and waste nothing.
So happy you’re here!